Yes, you can drop off your packages and boxes at a FedEx office or FedEx store. FedEx offers various drop-off options to make it convenient to send your packages.
To locate the closest FedEx Office, FedEx Store, or authorized FedEx drop-off site in your vicinity, please visit the FedEx website.
Upon arriving at the chosen FedEx location, you can either hand your package directly to the FedEx staff at the counter or place it in the designated drop-off area. Should you need a receipt or evidence of your drop-off, feel free to request one from the FedEx staff at the location
![How to Assemble Your Collegeboxes](
How to Assemble Your Collegeboxes
Here's a step-by-step process to help you assemble your Collegeboxes faster and easier. 1. Remove Signature Collegebox from Supply Kit. 2. Flip box upside down and create a rectangle with the walls of the box. 3. Push smaller flaps down first, and then the larger...