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5 Best Public Places to Study

Your study environment has a bigger impact than you might think. Depending on where you study, you could be helping or hindering your focus and concentration. We all love to be comfortable, but when it comes to studying, we can sometimes get a little too cozy. And let’s face it, studying in bed isn’t exactly the best strategy to begin with.

But don’t worry, if you’re tired of being stuck at the desk in your dorm room, there are plenty of awesome places to study instead. Coffee shops and bookstores are among some of our favorites when it comes to finding a public spot to study, but there are a few other amazing locations as well. Here are the 5 best places to study, recommended by Collegeboxes!

5 Amazing Places to Study in Public

While it might be an inconvenience to take all your items to a new location, switching up your study spots helps improve your studying. In fact, it’s one of our signature six study tips!

College students nationwide have access to these five public places, which all serve as excellent options for study sessions. No matter who you are, one of these spots is sure to work for you!

1. The Library

students studying in library

One of the best places to study for students. Libraries are quiet places that are often the go-to spot for a study session. Students get access to a wide variety of reading material, a strong Wi-Fi connection, and a peaceful place to review the information they’re studying. Needless to say, if you’re looking for a quiet place to study, the library is the best place to go.

Most libraries will also have private study rooms. This is a great way to get some friends together and start a study group.You’ll be able to collaborate with others in a productive environment.

2. The Park or Beach

two students studying at a park

Natural light helps our brain take in information. It also gives you a natural energy boost, reduces stress, and improves your mood and creativity. Overall, being outside can have a positive impact on our health. That’s what makes a public park or beach one of the best places to study.

Obviously, studying at a park or a beach is tougher than in a room with tables. However, there are plenty of gadgets to help your study area outside! All you really need is a hotspot on your phone for the internet.

Studying outside also makes for an easy transition to a quick study break. What’s better than putting away your textbook for a quick dip in the ocean or stroll around the park?

3. Coffee Shops

studying at coffee shop

Do you know what helps people study? Caffeine! Well, the right amount at least. It’s been proven through studies, that about 200 milligrams of caffeine helps the brain identify words quicker, as well as improve short-term memory and problem-solving.

That’s one of the reasons why a coffee shop is a classic place to study! You can grab your favorite drink and enjoy working in a calm environment. Be careful though, too many beverages or snacks could hurt your wallet and make you unproductive while studying.

On top of this, popular coffee stops like Starbucks can get crowded and a little bit noisy due to the flow of people and orders. If you’re more into the idea of a quiet coffee shop, try looking around for a local joint! They’ll be a little more low-key than your chain coffee shops.

Coffee shops are also a great place to study for bigger groups. It’s not too loud, has plenty of room, and usually free Wi-Fi!

4. The Bookstore

student studying in bookstore

In some cases, bookstores can be a good mix of a library and a coffee shop. Larger chain bookstores, like Barnes and Noble, have coffee shops inside with little seating areas. In college towns, you’ll probably have better luck finding a local bookstore that has lounge areas. Who knows, you may be able to make a few friends there, too!

You could also take a study break to look for a new book or indulge in what you’re currently reading. If libraries are too quiet, and cafes are too busy, then a bookstore may be the perfect study spot for you.

5. An Empty Classroom

student studying in an empty classroom

Why would you go back to the classroom to study? Because it’s a place built for learning after all! A classroom offers plenty of space, an area for people to present, tables, and most importantly, power outlets.

During the week, classrooms at universities are rarely used every hour of the day. There’s plenty of time during the day and night where classrooms sit empty…and unlocked!  If it’s available, an empty classroom is great place to study either as a group or as an individual.

An empty classroom is also be a great place to study between classes. Try asking a professor what the schedule looks like for a certain classroom to see if there are any open slots! Some rooms have schedules attached to them as well, look out for those.

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