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How to Study with Friends

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College is about all the friends and memories made along the way, right? Yes, but it’s also about the education and the degree you walk on stage for. Why not combine them? If you’re struggling in a class but know a few people in there that aren’t, make a study group with them.  

What exactly is a study group and how do you study with multiple people? Collegeboxes has your answers.  

What is a Study Group?

A study group is a few students from one class meeting regularly outside of regular class hours. The idea is that students will help one another with the material from the class, providing success for one another. Typically, a study group is small, consisting of three to six students. In college, students can take the same class with the same professor but at different times. If you’re looking for a study group, make sure to look in all places possible.  

It’s important that these groups are for educational purposes. This isn’t a social event. This can be your group of friends, don’t get us wrong, but focus on the study group and talk about the party after studying. You still need to attend class, so you’re not totally in the dark about the material and truthfully, it’s the best place to learn. Don’t think this gets others to do your homework, it might sound like a good idea in the moment until you’re the one taking the exam – which counts for more of your grade.  

students looking at laptop together

How to Study in a Group

Study groups are quite a bit of work to create, however, it’s worth it in the end. Here are a few points to think about when you’re trying to form a group: 

  • Find quality partners and pick a leader 
  • Create a plan 
  • Find a location 
  • Set a schedule and set a time limit 

Creating a group simply of the five people you know in the class isn’t always the best plan. It’s college, and making new friends is part of the experience. It’s important to find people that want to succeed in the class and will stay focused. Look for various personalities. Not everyone can be an extrovert or there will be too much talking. Too many easy-going people might not challenge ideas to ensure you’re all getting the correct information. Everyone needs to be available. If people are coming in and out consistently, they won’t be a good choice because it’ll disrupt the flow of the group.  

Pick a leader. A leader will oversee the points to follow. This person will hold everyone accountable for their role, what the study plan for the next group meeting will be, where and when the group will meet, and how long you will study.  

Everyone should contribute to the study plan. The plan will keep your time efficient and you won’t spend the first half of your session debating what to even work on. If you’re personally struggling with something from the material, ask to work on it in the group. There should be a review section from the last class and group meeting to keep everyone up to date in case they did miss one or the other. The leader will be responsible for keeping everyone on task and getting everyone through the plan. 

You’re going to need a place to study, and there are plenty of options. Schools will have study rooms in dorm buildings and libraries. There are public places to study as well, like coffee shops, parks, or even an outdoor part of campus. Certain areas will need to be reserved in advance, so have this be one person’s dedicated job.  

How long are your study groups going to meet? Are you going to study during the day or study at night? How often? What days? College life is busy, it’s better to schedule ahead. Group members should decide if they meet multiple times a week with shorter sessions or once a week for a longer period of time. Regardless of how often you meet, there should be a time limit. Studying too long isn’t always beneficial and will force everyone to stay on track with your set plan. 

students studying together

Group Studying Benefits

If you want to pass that test, studying in a group might be good for you. Studying in a group decreases procrastination, makes you learn faster, offers new perspectives and it’s a great time for the quiz before the exam. While studying with friends you can even make it fun by studying with flashcards

When everyone shares a goal, it’s easier to stay focused. When others are relying on you, as opposed to studying alone, you feel more inclined to show up on time and get to work. Other people will be asking you questions, or you’ll be quizzing one another, so you must stay involved.  

Working together in a group will allow everyone to bounce ideas or techniques off each other. Two people might be struggling on a certain topic that the rest of the group understands. They can explain it together and talk about it to get everyone on the same page. Everyone learns differently, but if you’re able to get to the right answer using others’ perspectives then the study group served its purpose.  

You can make new friends and memories along the way, and it makes for a real-life work setting when you’ll likely work as a group there too.  

Studying in a group can have several helpful benefits!

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