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Moving Back in with Your Parents Survival Guide

Man, young woman, and older woman all standing in front of a car with the trunk open.

Maybe you’ve just graduated or you’re taking a break from the dorms, but no matter what the reason is, living with your parents can sometimes be…less than ideal. But it isn’t the end of the world! In fact, if you can crash with your parents, you’re super lucky and should take advantage of the opportunity.  

But at the same time, we’d be lying if we said our parents are always the perfect roommates, but you can still find ways to make it work. If you want to live with your parents without feeling like a kid, this one’s for you. 

Alternatives to Moving Back with Your Parents:

You don’t have to live with your parents if you don’t want to, but it’ll require more grind. Here are three easy ways to cut the costs of living expenses: 

Find a Side Gig: Sometimes a part-time job isn’t enough to cover all the monthly expenses. If you have the time, consider taking up a side gig or internship for some extra cash. Even just an extra 5 hours a week can make the difference! 

Find Roommates: If your parents aren’t your ideal roommates, then keep looking! Try to rally some friends into renting a place or even find some roommates online.

Become an RA: If you’re still a student and you’re in need of affordable and convenient housing, consider applying to be an RA! You’ll trade some of your spare time in exchange for room and board and develop some vital leadership skills.

1. Create a Financial Plan ASAP 

If you want to get your own place sooner rather than later, you’ll need a strong financial plan. Take control of your budget and focus on saving as much money as possible. Trim away unnecessary expenses that leech on your income.  

A calculator, 50 dollar bill, and a notebook.

Having a strong budget in place will come in handy once you move out. Living on your own means you’ll have to add rent, utilities, and other bills to your list of monthly costs. But if you already have a plan in place, it’s easier to factor in new expenses. 

It’s also a good idea to polish up your resume and start aiming for higher paying jobs. This will alleviate financial pressure once you manage to move back out on your own

2. Set Achievable Goals 

When you’re crashing with your parents, that means you’ll have a little more breathing room to get your affairs in order. For example, you can be a little pickier when selecting a job, you can focus on saving money, and you can take more time to get on your feet.  

For the sake of your mental health, try to focus on one goal at a time. Start off with easy goals, like creating a budget or sticking to a morning routine. From there, you can start aiming a little higher, like finding a job and saving up for a deposit on an apartment.

3. Set Boundaries with Your Parents 

One of the most common concerns students have about living with their parents is being treated like a kid again. If you’ve already experienced the freedom of the dorms or apartment life already, going back to your parents’ house can come with a little culture shock. 

Two women sitting on a bed and looking at a laptop on the younger woman's lap.

Before you move back into your childhood bedroom, sit your parents down and have a talk about your boundaries. Try to conduct this like you would with any other prospective roommate, lead with respect and patience.  

Boundaries are a two-way street, so get ready to compromise. While you may ask for your parents to rescind your curfew, be prepared to comply with their quiet hours. Remember, you’re still living in their space, so be respectful of their boundaries, too.

4. Chip in on Monthly Expenses 

If you want to be treated as an adult, take steps to show your maturity. An easy way to do this is by consistently contributing to some of your household expenses. You may not be in the place to pay rent but try taking over the internet bill or some of the streaming services! This is a great way to display some solid responsibility.

Girl standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

5. Don’t Become a Hermit 

It can be easy to become a recluse when you move in with your parents. But resist the urge to hide in your room! Take time to get outside, hang out with friends, and socialize.

6. Do Things You Enjoy 

Living at your parents’ place can lead to a lot more spare time. This is a great opportunity to find a new hobby or build a new skill. Try out a few potential hobbies and see what clicks!

7. Take Your Time 

Don’t rush out of your parents’ house before you’re ready. Give yourself enough time to move out comfortably. If you rush out too quickly, you might find yourself in the same situation again. There’s no shame in living with your parents, in fact, you’re lucky if you can!

Whether you’re moving to the dorms, your parent’s house, or an apartment of your very own, Collegeboxes is here to help! We can keep your extra stuff safe for an entire summer, or as long as you need. And once you’re ready to take it back, we can ship it anywhere you need (even across the ocean).  

No matter where life takes you next, Collegeboxes is here to make the transition easier. So, don’t wait, let’s get the party started!

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