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Guide to College Dorm Move-Out Day

Guide to College Dorm Move-Out Day

College move-out day can be a stressful and emotional day for many students. From studying for finals, to packing up your dorm, to trying to figure out summer plans – you probably feel like you’re getting pulled in a hundred different places.

However, moving out of your dorm doesn’t have to feel so hectic! Using this Collegeboxes guide, we’ll take you through how to prepare and successfully conquer moving out day.

How to Prepare for Moving Out

When it comes to moving out of a college dorm, the earlier you start the better.  Here are some tips for getting ahead of the curve.

Start Planning Early

In the first few weeks of the spring semester, figure out what your finals schedule will look like and make note of when you’re done with classes. Once you’ve figured that out, you can start communicating with your family about the game plan.

Starting your moving plan early will give you more time to decide whether to ship, store, or even drive home your stuff if needed. Depending on what you do, Collegeboxes has a storage and shipping service for students.

Pack Up Before Finals Week

Try to pack up your room as much as you can before finals week. This way your attention can be focused on your tests instead! If everything is already packed up, it’ll be way easier on your friends, family, or movers when it comes time to move out.

For more information on planning for your move-out day, check out our Ultimate College Move-Out Checklist.

Move Out Before Move-Out Day

While move-out day might be the official date set by your college, moving out a day or two earlier might be the smartest move. Moving earlier allows you to avoid the rush of students all trying to leave at the same time. It also gives you some buffer of time to address any unexpected issues that could happen during the move.

Thes best part is, by moving out a day or two ahead of the crowd, you’ll have easier access to elevators, parking spaces, and loading zones. This can significantly expedite your process and save you valuable time on the actual move-out day.nificantly expedite your process and save you valuable time on the actual move-out day.

Ace your finals and be on your way to summer break with ease by moving out before move-out day.

Do You Have to Move Out of Your Dorm During Winter Break?

That depends! Most college campuses will allow students to stay in their dorms during winter or spring break but summer typically requires students to vacate because it’s a new semester. You will have to check with housing when the time comes around.

How to Pack Up a College Dorm

Okay, we made our plans and preparations for moving out, so what comes next? Packing! This is going to be the most time-consuming part of the process, but here is a step-by-step guide to make it a little easier:

1. Take Down Dorm Decorations

As much as you love the way you decorated your dorm room, it won’t help you study. Since these aren’t technically a necessity, these are a good option to take down first. It’ll be easy to check off the to-do list!

2. Gather Packing Supplies

Before you start packing, ensure you have all the necessary supplies. This includes sturdy boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, labels, and markers. Having these items on hand will help streamline the packing process.

The best way to get the boxes you need is through Collegeboxes. We offer a handful of moving supplies including a supply kit, which comes with 5 double-walled (24″x16″x18″) boxes, marker, tape, 5 zip ties, 10 label pouches, a bonus box (36” x 24” x 7”), and free shipping right to you.

3. Keep, Donate, or Sell

Create a list of what needs to be kept, donated, sold, or thrown away. Chances are you won’t be living in a dorm room the next year but rather an apartment or even renting a house with friends.

Not everything belongs in the dumpster, donating items to the local Goodwill or Salvation Army will help pass those items along to others. Or, if you feel like you could make a few bucks off of your clothes or furniture, try selling them on Facebook Marketplace or other reselling apps!

If you don’t want to give up all your stuff, but you also don’t really want to bring it all the way back to your parents’ house, call up Collegeboxes! We can store your things during the summer, while you study abroad, or while you’re trying to figure out your next move.

4. Pack and Label Boxes

Pack items carefully to prevent damage during the move. Be sure to pack heavier items at the bottom of the boxes. Fill any empty spaces with packing paper or packing peanuts to prevent shifting or damage during transit.

As you pack, label each box with what you’ve placed inside. This will make unpacking next semester or at your next location so much easier.

Collegeboxes, the college moving experts, has more tips on how to pack up your dorm room.

How to Move Out

When moving out of your dorm, each university has its own policy for move-out day. For most, it’s usually making sure you handle each of the items below:

  • Remove all your belongings from the dorm room
  • Clean the room
  • Attending a walk-through of your dorm with a residential advisor
  • Return your room and mail key
  • Sign any required forms

The staff generally will be looking to see if the floor has been vacuumed, any furniture has been emptied out, the bathroom has been sanitized, and there’s no damage rather than normal wear and tear. Don’t worry, the housing department isn’t expecting a deep cleaning of the room. However, don’t leave it like a pigsty either!