Personal Information First Name* Last Name* School* I am a* StudentParent/ Guardian Gender* MaleFemaleNon-binaryTransgenderPrefer not to say Contact Information Email* Telephone* Social Media Number of Instagram followers* Link to Instagram profile* Link to TikTok profile* What is your level of experience using Instagram?* I do not use Instagram/ I am just a viewerBeginner - I have minimum knowledge of the platform and only use the basic features when postingProficient - I have some knowledge of the platform and use most of the features when postingExpert - I have a lot of knowledge of the platform and use the most recent trends and features when posting What is your level of experience posting to TikTok*? I do not use TikTok/ I am just a viewerBeginner - I have minimum knowledge of the platform and only use the basic features when postingProficient - I have some knowledge of the platform and use most of the features when postingExpert - I have a lot of knowledge of the platform and use the most recent trends and features when posting Other Have you used Collegeboxes services in the past?* YesNo Do you live in on-campus housing?* YesNo As a parent, what groups are you involved in that could benefit from Collegeboxes services?